Friday, November 6, 2009

Ch 9

1. In Simon’s secret place, which source of food do the flies prefer? The flies prefer the pigs head better.

2. Where does Simon decide to go? He went to the mountion.

3. What does Simon do to the figure on the mountainside? he found out the the beast that they saw wass in actuly the aveater.

4. Who suggests Ralph and Piggy should go to the party?piggy sugested it because he was hungry.

5. How is it that Ralph and Piggy’s awkward presence at the party is accepted?
6. What does Jack declare about the conch to Ralph?
7. What is the weather like toward the end of the party?
8. What chant do the boys sing as they dance?
9. Who emerges from the jungle with the secret of the beast?+
#10 Write a STRONG BODY PARAGRAPH about who is responsible for Simon’s
death and why.